How to run PowerShell scripts? (ExecutionPolicy)

How to run PowerShell scripts? (ExecutionPolicy)

16 December 2022

What are power words?

What are “power words”?

"Power words" are phrases that clever copywriters use to evoke a specific psychological or emotional response. It is not without reason that the name is associated with power, because they are so convincing that people cannot resist their influence, and this can be seen in the statistics of clickability.

Where to find free images for commercial use?

Below you can find a list of cataloges where you can find free graphics, also for commercial use. Nevertheless, when using these types of pages, you should carefully check your license before using the image. It may turn out that some of them belong to the so-called premium zone, or some of the images has additional exclusions (such as a ban on using for adcertisements of medical products etc.).
Timeout during import database from file in phpmyadmin

Timeout error in phpMyAdmin during import database from file

Timeout error during import database means you have too large file for your settings from configuration files. If you have this problem, you probably saw this message: Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume So what next? Size of your backup you propably cant't change, but config parameters - surely yes.